The best independent guide to Central Portugal

The best independent guide to Central Portugal

Elvas Portugal Weather Averages

The following chart displays the monthly average weather for Elvas, Portugal. The city of Elvas lies on the very eastern edge of Portugal, close to the border with Spain and in the heartland of the Alentejo region. Elvas has a hot Mediterranean climate, mean that summers are very hot (40C), dry but without the high humid, winters are mild with the occasional rainfall.

Spring is regarded as the best time of year to visit Elvas as the days are warm and bright but the sun is not as intense as in the summer. The Elvas weather charts display the monthly average weather but there are always the chances of extremes.

Elvas Portugal Weather Overview

Elvas Weather

The average weather conditions of Elvas Portugal

The best time of the year to discover Elvas is in the spring or autumn seasons when the weather is the perfect combination of bright sun but bearable maximum temperatures.

Elvas Portugal Sunshine and hours of Sun

Elvas portugal sunshine sun

The average hours of sunshine per day per month for Elvas Portugal

Elvas Portugal Temperature

Elvas temperature hot cold

The average maximum day time temperature and night time minimum for Elvas

Elvas Portugal Rainfall and Number of Wet days

Elvas Rainfall wet rain

The average number of wet days and rainfall for Elvas Portugal

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